this grouped of Chinese decided to take up a challenge: to convert a 9 meter square container...

Intelligent Home Controlled by Nokia N8 544px
(screenshot from YouKu video)
this grouped of Chinese decided to take up a challenge: to convert a 9 meter square container into an intelligent home controllable by a mobile phone – in this case, its a Nokia N8. it took them three months to complete the project at a cost of RMB120,000 (approximately US$18,000). it was a great effort and showcased the potential of the Nokia N8.

though the whole project went on smoothly and everything seems to be in order, the reality still haunts us: what happen if your N8 or any other mobile that mastermind the intelligent home, conked out? wouldn’t that be a huge disaster? if this intelligent home were to become a reality, i am certain some form of fail-safe will be in place to prevent such failure. yes? no?

via M.I.C Gadget