when the world of spying and fashion collides, one of the common fashion item you would expect are...

Camcorder Glasses img3 544px
(image credit: Vichan Technology) Glasses Camcorder | from US$82.11 | www.alieexpress.com

when the world of spying and fashion collides, one of the common fashion item you would expect are wristwatches or may be a not-so-fashionable camera tee and here’s an eyewear to add to the list. sure, there are spy glasses out there, but they definitely looks nothing like this one.
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this pair of eyewear looks like any chic glasses you find in an optic shop, but hidden above its nose bridge is a tiny 1.3-megapixel video camera that is capable of recording 30 frames per second (fps) video in 1280 x 960 resolution. similarly, still images can also be taken at the same resolution.

videos and images are stored in micro-SD card in the built-in card socket which supports up to 8GB. the built-in 250mAh battery is good for 2 hours of usage before it needs to make a 3-hours recharging. 2 hours is hardly a good time but it should provide you with some good fun footages.

the glasses has a working status LED indicator light that would pretty much gives you away in an instant. obviously, this isn’t mend for you to do anything illegal. so don’t even think about it. pretty neat. do they have one that’s in transition lenses so we can hit the beach with this?

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(image credit: Vichan Technology)