ARKYD: A Space Telescope for Everyone - Last Call
most people dream of heading into space, but how many of us average joes can afford a 200+ grand tickets for a flight to the space few years down the road? almost none, i believe. lucky for us, there is an affordable alternative to show your family and friends your presence in space and that's to take a space selfie without actually being into the space.

most people dream of heading into space, but how many of us average joes can afford a 200+ grand tickets for a flight to the space few years down the road? almost none, i believe. lucky for us, there is an affordable alternative to show your family and friends your presence in space and that’s to take a space selfie without actually being into the space. how exactly are you going to do that? with ARKYD, a space telescope for everyone, of course. backed by the space-going veteran Planetary Resources, the ARKYD is a purpose-built space telescope that’s designed to observe space asteroids and for that purpose it has a large, main optic for capturing high-res images of objects in space. but that’s not all; what makes the ARKYD different from a regular space telescope is, it is fitted with an external display along with an arm-mounted camera that allows the control to take pictures of the ARKYD as it circles the Earth.

now, this is the part where things get interesting for selfie fanatics: Planetary Resources is giving you a chance to upload your own photo to be displayed on the said external display of the space telescope and the arm-mounted camera will then snap a picture of you on the screen with the Earth as the backdrop. so, effectively you are getting your very first Space Selfie, albeit in a rather indirect manner, and to do that, all you have to do is to make a pledge of just $29 or more. easy? yes. it is that simple. there’s a catch though, but not by design. the ARKYD: A Space Telescope for Everyone campaign on Kickstarter was successfully funded earlier this month, but due to popular demand, it now has a limited Kickstarter Extension which, unfortunately, will be ending today on the July 19, 2013 (US Timing). so this is indeed a last call for this once in a lifetime experience. if you are keen, then you’d be super quick cos’ a day is all that’s left between getting on the space selfie bandwagon or not, and to be honest, such opportunity don’t come orbiting around us very often, do they?

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check out the pledge video after the break to learn more (but don’t take too long to learn as the clock is ticking away).