(credit: Bods Mods)
yet another PC casemod that goes directly into the coolest mod list. conceived and scratch built by case modder known as Bods Mods, this TRON Lightcycle PC definitely sits right on the top of the coolest of the cool list. the love for the TRON movies inspired Bods Mods to create this beautiful work of art. the custom case was scratch built with lots of time spent on 3D programing to fit the necessary components in while maintaining a relatively small size. it fact, Bods Mods managed to stay within a 40-inches (102 cm) length.
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the main parts were laser cut out from acrylic that also provides a solid foundation for this custom case, and together with clear windows and accents of blue lights, make this one-off custom casemod PC one damn awesome machine. the TRON Lightcycle PC is Bods Mods entry for the Cooler Master’s Case Mod Competition, under the scratch build category. hit the jump to check out more images of this cool PC.