Smart glasses. The one wearable tech that is not so talked about in any given year. Is it really the future? I don’t know, man. The future is sketchy at best IMHO, but that does not stop a bunch of companies, including the likes of Huawei, Intel, and Vuzix – just to name a few, in developing and selling the tech.
Now, Bosch has unveiled new a new smart glasses tech called Light Drive. And you know what? It might just be the smart glasses tech that will make smart glasses useful and yet not creep anyone out or make you look like a cyborg. For starter, it will allow smart glasses to actually look like ordinary eyewear.
Affording the regular eyewear looks is not the only cool aspect of the Bosch Smartglasses Light Drive. The other cool thing is the Light Drive tech (obviously). Billed as “the world’s first all-day transparency smartglasses solution,” the Light Drive is the described as “a sole source, all-in-one technology stack consisting of MEMS mirrors, optical elements, sensors, and onboard processing.”
Basically, it has all it needs for a functioning smart glasses, sans the bulk. Plus, it promised to delivery a “clean visual experience with bright images that are always in focus – even in direct sunlight.”
What it will enable needs little explanation. If you really need to know, Bosch Smartglasses Light Drive-equipped smart glasses puts smartphone equivalent functionality – messaging included, right on your face. However smart glasses we have seen thus far, the tech and the execution that might just make it actually useful.
Even better, Bosch Smartglasses Light Drive will work with prescription and curved lenses. Moreover, the system itself has 30 percent less depth over current offerings and weighs in at mere 10g – excluding the glasses, of course.
Bosch will be bringing Bosch Smartglasses Light Drive to CES 2020 where it will be showing off a bunch of tech over at their booth (#12401) in the central hall. In the meantime, you may want to check out Light Drive video embedded below, or you can pick up more details on the product page HERE.
Images: Bosch.
Source: SlashGear.