Monet’s Water Lilies in LEGO by Ai Weiwei

Do you know how to get your art noticed by even more people? Simple. Create your art in LEGO. Even if you already have the piece, you can do it once more with LEGO. That’s kind of the case with Chinese visual artist Ai Weiwei’s latest work.

Monet’s Water Lilies in LEGO by Ai Weiwei

However, Ai’s latest work is not a recreation of his own masterpieces. It is a LEGO interpretation of the French Impressionist Oscar-Claude Monet’s giant work of art Water Lilies.

Titled Water Lilies #1, it is Ai’s largest artwork using LEGO pieces thus far. The artist has been using LEGO as part of his creation since 2014. The enormous wall art, which stretches 15 m (50 feet) across and contains no less than 650,000 LEGO elements, will dwarf your off-the-shelf LEGO wall art.

Monet’s Water Lilies in LEGO by Ai Weiwei

The artist’s new work will be available to admire as part of the Design Museum’s much-anticipated exhibition ‘Ai Weiwei: Making Sense’ which opens on April 7. And it will not be the only art piece that uses LEGO. I shan’t dwell into the rest. I appreciate art but I am not particularly fond of artists mixing politics with art or using art to make political statements. Art should be just, well, art.

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Anyhoo, you may learn more about Ai’s latest exhibition after a long hiatus from articles posted on The Art Newspaper, as well as on

Monet’s Water Lilies in LEGO by Ai Weiwei

Featured image and source: The Guardian.

Additional images: Ela Bialkowska/OKNO Studio. Image courtesy of the artist and Galleria Continua (via