Custom Aircraft Engine BBQ Grill

Want a BBQ grill that screams attention? Well then, do what the team at Delta Airlines TechOps did: turn a passenger jet engine into a BBQ grill station. That, of course, is only if you have an enormous backyard and the money to spare. In what could possibly be the coolest BBQ grill ever built, the folks at Delta Airlines TechOps repurposed a destined-for-scrap Pratt & Whitney PW2000 engine pulled from a Boeing 757 and turn it into a dual BBQ grill station.

Custom Aircraft Engine BBQ Grill

The service doors once used to access the jet engine’s internals now open up to two grilling stations, one on each side. The doors are motorized and spruced up with some snazzy blue LED lights. As you can see, the original components, save for the inner cowl, were removed and in their place is a stainless steel interior which also include a panel that separates the mirror image setup on the other side.

Each BBQ station consists of a BBQ grill, extractor and there’s even an extinguisher mounted to the side. The main fan and the spindle were retained, keeping the new identify of the jet engine incognito. This custom aircraft engine BBQ grill sits on a custom stand at an appropriate for BBQ and it was reportedly installed at Delta Air Lines Operations Control Center.

Custom Aircraft Engine BBQ Grill

Unfortunately, the exhaust does not spit out fire from the BBQ grills. It will nice if it does. However, as a consolation, they team did installed some red LEDs at the exhaust to mimic that the engine is turned on. Too bad that they needed the fan for the complete look, if not they could actually turned it into a super cool ceiling fan. Also, I feel like this place could use a couple of 737 Cowling Chair to complete the passenger jet theme setup. What do you think?

Apparently, this wasn’t the first Delta Airlines TechOps did. They designed and built one large-scale grill based on the fuselage of an airplane back in 2015. The aircraft fuselage BBQ was outfitted with multiple BBQ grills, gas detector rigged to a siren, and built-in fire suppression system. Keep going to catch a video of this super cool, one-of-a-kind BBQ station.

Images: imgur (Solowingzx).

Source: Geekologie.