Did Disney Did A Bad Job In Trying To Hide The Millennium Falcon In London?

What you see here is a Millennium Falcon and nope, it wasn’t parked among the wastes of the desert planet Jakku. Neither was it in Rub al Khali desert near Abu Dhabi, or Hollywood backlot. No, wait. It was actually on a backlot, just not in stateside. In fact, it was uncovered to be parked on the backlot of Longcross Studios outside of London, just off the M3 freeway. I said ‘was’ because, it was spotted way back in June and as you know, Google Earth only updates the satellite images between 1 and 3 years, and so, for all we know, it may have already moved between now and then.

For those who resides in the U.K. and happens to travel along M3, you may have noticed some shipping containers awkwardly placed on the backlot. Now, it should be just another passing temporary landmark and as such, any normal person would not have smell fish, so to speak, but as it turns out, some did and the some managed to sniff out what was behind those strange array of shipping containers – thanks to Google Earth. Why would anyone suspect anything is beyond me.

I mean, seriously, you had to be a SUPER fan to even think something is going somewhere and in the case of this mysterious Millennium Falcon, Longcross Studios was not even involved in the latest Star Wars movies, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Perhaps, that was the very reason why this revelation piques fans’ interest. Why it was there, or whether or not it is still even there, is anybody’s guess. For all we know, it may not be even a movie prop; it could be a promotional prop to drum up the upcoming eighth Star Wars movie. Or it could even be prototype waiting destined to broken down, or whatever.

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Really, your guess is as good as mine. Like I said, the containers may still be there, but unless you work in there, you can never tell if the iconic silver screen spaceship is still there.

Image: Google Earth.

via MovieWeb.