DIY Hands-free Oreo and Milk Dispenser

I am not the kind of eat while I work. However, if you do eat while working and if you work in, say, a relatively clean workshop, well then you are going to like what Emiel, The Practical Engineer, did. He designed and built a hands-free Oreo dispenser with an accompanying Milk dispenser.

Actually, this isn’t new. Emiel had created a hands-free Oreo dispense with custom wooden components, but this time, he redesigned it and made it out of 3D printed parts. Plus, this time, the Oreo eating experience is finally complete with a companion Milk dispenser.

DIY Hands-free Oreo and Milk Dispenser

What makes Emiel’s design so cool is the hands-free design. It leverages on the fact that you have to open your mouth to receive the cookie to trigger the dispensing – the same goes for the new Milk dispensers.

To use, just position your chin on the lever. The opening of mouth pushes the lever down and thus, kicks off the dispensing process. Both dispensers are designed to be wall-mounted for obvious reason.

It is a lovely contraption to even a person like me who aren’t a fan of having food at where I work. If I have a workshop, though, I probably would love to make one for myself. But only the cookie dispenser – not the milk.

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You know how is it with milk. They turn bad quickly if it is not refrigerated. Besides, I am not a fan of milk anyways. At this point, we are waiting for Emiel to upgrade the milk dispenser to one that’s refrigerated.

Here’s the video of the design and build process:

Images: Twitter (@prctclengineer).

Source: Technabob.