DIY Mini Whiskey Barrel by Clawhammer Supply

Not everyone has the luxury of enjoying their favorite spirits direct from the barrel and not every whiskey lovers have the opportunity to further age their favorite alcohol beverage, unless they have a cellar stashed with real oak barrels, or lives in a traditional distillery. But that’s until now. Meet DIY Mini Whiskey Barrel by Clawhammer Supply, a ready-for-DIY barrel kit made from charred, white oak that you can put together to create your very own aging barrel to store your cherished spirits, wine or cocktails. The kit comes complete with everything you need for a functioning barrel, including staves (one sporting a bung hole for dispensing of fluid), a pair of hoops (which are actually really large hose clamps), two sizes of bung and the head.

DIY Mini Whiskey Barrel by Clawhammer Supply

So, whether you long for a cellar with real wood barrels, or just think your whiskey deserves a little more aging, the DIY Mini Whiskey Barrel may be worthy of your consideration. And why not? How else can you brag that you actually age your spirits at home without blowing your bank account and in the confine of a one-room apartment, right smack in the city? Want one? Well, then hit up DIY Mini Whiskey Barrel’s Kickstarter campaign page where you can pre-order one for $45-$50. Early backers, the first 120 to be precise, will take delivery in time for this Christmas. As for the rest, you are looking at a not-too-distance delivery in February 2016. Go check them out.

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