If you think shoes like the Yellow Duck Boot or the Hulkfoot Heels are weird, clearly you haven’t encountered the “masterpieces” of Imran Potato. This guy’s designs are on a Sweet Tooth level of bizarre, right up there with the infamous Finger Feet boots.

How so? While those oddball kicks still resemble, well, shoes (even if they’re reversed), Potato’s creations are downright animalistic. Case in point: the Elephant Feet Shoes. And yes, they are indeed shoes.
There’s not much info on these pachyderm-inspired clompers, but then again, do you really need more than “a pair of shoes that look like elephant feet”? Didn’t think so. They exist. They’re shoes. They look like elephant feet. That’s the scoop.
If they’re up for grabs and money can buy them, would you snag a pair—and more importantly, would you dare to rock them?

Images: Imran Potato.
via Instagram (@drip).