Functional LEGO Steering Wheel, Pedals & Handbrake

If you’ve ever played racing games with a steering wheel, pedals, and shifter combo, you’ll know the kind of abuse these poor peripherals have to endure. Let’s face it, racing games can get intense, and most of us aren’t exactly gentle when trying to shave milliseconds off a lap time.

Functional LEGO Steering Wheel, Pedals & Handbrake

But if you’re one of those rare, zen-like gamers who never rage quits or throws a controller across the room, Anton—designer, self-declared LEGO maker, and all-around creative genius—might just let you take his working LEGO steering wheel, pedals, and handbrake setup for a spin.

Yes, you read that right. Someone actually built a functional racing game rig out of LEGO bricks. It’s a marvel of imagination and engineering. That said, this setup is definitely not for hotheads. Rage quitting with a LEGO rig? A single frustrated smack could send the whole thing flying into a thousand tiny pieces. And trust me, rebuilding that mid-game isn’t going to shave any time off your lap.

Now, is it real? Honestly, we can’t say for sure. But come on, why would anyone fake something this oddly specific? Sure, there are always Internet skeptics who’ll cry foul at the drop of a brick, but I’m inclined to believe it’s legit. After all, it’s not impossible to retrofit an existing steering wheel system with LEGO parts. Strip down a standard rig, add some bricks, and voilà—you’ve got a playable LEGO masterpiece.

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Whether it’s real or just a clever flex of creativity, it’s a fantastic reminder of what LEGO and a little ingenuity can do. I’ll leave it to you to decide if Anto’s creation is the real deal. But let’s be honest—half the fun is imagining how satisfying it’d be to lap your friends in a LEGO rig. Just, you know, keep your cool when they inevitably catch up.

Images: Instagram (@pingy_5).