fact: you will never know when you are going to need to cut through some wires, screw or unscrew some parts, pop open a bottle of cold one, or challenge someone to extract their teeth in the midst of their drunken stupor. and that’s why you have the Gerber Multi-plier 600 Sight Tool to do it all and more. packed into this one-hand operable black oxide finished stainless steel form are needle-nose pliers with crimper jaws, serrated and fine edge knife combo, carbide wire cutters, long reach Philips screwdriver, can and bottle opener, plus a couple handy tools (carbon scraper and M4/M16 front sight post adjustment tool) for your firearm maintenance. whether you are hitting the range, or camping, or just tinkering with home improvement works, the Gerber Multi-plier 600 Sight Tool is the perfect companion. the MP600ST comes equipped with a convenient lanyard ring and a black nylon sheath for that extra style when you are bringing it around. there are two versions of the Gerber Multi-plier 600 Sight Tool: the tactical model (#30-000588) that cost $95 a pop and the military version (#30-000513), which requires credential for purchase. the military model comes with a Berry Compliant TAN499 Sheath with MOLLE and belt attachment, instead of the black nylon item. head past the jump for more images and a product video.
fact: you will never know when you are going to need to cut through some wires, screw or unscrew some parts, pop open a bottle of cold one, or challenge someone to extract their teeth in the midst of their drunken stupor. and that's why you have the Gerber Multi-plier 600 Sight Tool to do it all and more. packed into this one-hand operable black oxide finished