Because of the threat of COVID-19, some people may be over-sanitizing their hands and according to some experts, over-sanitizing is not good for your skin. In fact, you don’t need experts to tell you that. Over anything – save for maybe money, is not good. So, cut your hands some slack with Gloves In A Bottle.
It is a shielding lotion that bonds with the outer most layer of skin cells, creating an invisible shield on where you applied it, be it hands, arms, neck, legs, feet or even face. In addition to creating a pair of “invisible gloves” of sort, Gloves In A Bottle also prevent dry skin and restores the protective qualities of the skin.
Basically, it is a moisturizer. I am no scientist and so I can’t attest to the invisible shield part, but judging from the favorable reviews this product have on Amazon, at least we know it definitely helps to restore messed up skin conditions.
For those who are interested, Gloves In A Bottle sells for US$16.80 and up, depending on the volume you are after.
Images: Gloves In A Bottle.
Source: This Is Why I’m Broke.