Graphene-X Alpha Series Graphene Jacket

Graphene is a wonder material that is said to be the lightest, strongest, thinnest, and a material that has the best heat- and electricity- conducting properties. It has been used in audio gears like earphones and headphones, and power banks, and now, it has arrive to jacket.

Graphene-X Alpha Series Graphene Jacket

Yes. You heard that right. Jacket. People, meet Graphene-X, a company that makes clothing out of, well, graphene, of course. Graphene X’s first product is the Alpha Series Jacket, a three-layer, year round jacket. Year-round means, your investment can be worn pretty much any time of the year and not relegated to the closet like most jackets do.

As boon, it is super stylish and does not look, you know, all-so wintery that will make you look ridiculous in less cold weather. This means, it is good for hitting up cafes as it is good for trail running.

Graphene-X Alpha Series Graphene Jacket

“Graphene is integrated into the shell to add abrasion resistance and self-regulating heat retention – to keep you warm when cold, and fresh when hot. It’s waterproof, lightweight, breathable and “scienced” to last.”

Graphene-X do not have sell me with science. It is true that it has this wonder material of the 21st century, but the stylish design already had me at hello.

Graphene-X Alpha Series Graphene Jacket

Graphene-X had a successfully funded Kickstarter campaign which it raised over US$800K. Over 2,000 backers from around the world have since received their jackets.

The good news is, you can still pick up this jacket made of the wonder material on its website for US$349. Not cheap, but considering how it is wearable all year round, it is definitely more worth than regular winter jackets. Plus, how can anyone ignore how good it looks? Oh, I said that already?

All images courtesy of Graphene-X.