At the mention of a jetpack, we thought of a person soaring into the skies. Not this jetpack, though. This is an underwater jetpack. And it isn’t by some corporation. It was by one dude, Preston Summerrow, on YouTube (@prestongoes) who came across an underwater scooter and wondered if he could make an underwater jetpack by strapping six units together on his back.
The underwater scooter used is the Waydoo Subnado which is designed for SUP, surfboarding, and scuba diving. A lone Subnado makes a maximum speed of 1.4 m/s (3.1 mph or 5 km/h), or 2 m/s (4.5 mph or 7.2 km/h) with two scooters. Yes. You can use two together and so it is perfectly sane for Preston to want to pair six units – which he did with parts bought from his local Walmart. And it totally works, btw.
Each Subnado has a 2-speed thrust plus one SuperGear which provides the maximum speed possible. Guess how much six underwater scooters yield? As tested by Preston, his contraption gets him up to an impressive top speed of 12.7 mph or 20.4 km/h, or as the man describes it, fastest than a shark.
However, it is unclear how long this burst of thrust would last him. On the product page, it is rated at 1.2 hours on a single charge but I am going to assume that is the lowest speed. Anyways, have a look at this awesome contraption in action in the video below.
Images: YouTube (@prestongoes).