Lapka Personal Environmental Monitors | US$tba |
if you are in constant state of paranoia such as worrying what your food and environment are doing to your health, then here’s a good news for you. the Lapka Personal Environmental Monitors is just the companion gadget you will need to keep your paranoid state of mind in control (or not). these beautifully designed sensors, together with an iPhone app, offer you the simplest way of keeping track data such as the amount of nitrates in raw food and drinking water, temperature and humidity, airborne radiation, as well as electromagnetic feedback, ensuring that you are always in the know. a good set of information that you could use to mitigate the situation, if any but we think it could be a double-edge sword and it (the data) could make or break a person. it’s either you become more aware and control the situation or you become more paranoia. information is power but how you use it, is yet another story. the Lapka Personal Environmental Monitors is slated to be available this December with a yet to be announced price.
via Treehugger