Are you space nuts who are bothered by the fact that none of the space exploration set from LEGO aren’t minifigure-scale? If you do, then you are in for a treat. Well, almost. Meet the LEGO MOC UCS Space Shuttle Atlantis submitted by LEGO Ideas member Snelson42. Snelson42 envisioned a the space shuttle Atlantis in a scale like never before.
Snelson42 hope his creation will “close that gap in LEGO’s space themed sets and improve upon sets like 10231 Shuttle Expedition and 7470-1 Space Shuttle Discover.” I think Snelson42 may have achieved that and 10,000 supporter this LEGO Ideas submission has garnered is a testament of the achievement and what LEGO space fans really want.
As Snelson42’s submission title suggests, it is a UCS-style set. This means, it has all the details that any space nuts would go bonkers for. Features include opening payload bay doors, retractable landing gear, Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) thrusters in the nose and aft section, robotic CANADARM to manipulate cargo, robust rotating display stand, adjustable elevons (or tailerons, if you will) and rudder, and a detailed cockpit.
But, of all the shuttle that made headlines in space exploration, why the Atlantis. Simple. Snelson42 reckoned that Atlantis was the last space shuttle to fly and hence, it has its historically value and thus, making a collectible worthy set. Well, Snelson42, I couldn’t agree more! Now that LEGO MOC UCS Space Shuttle Atlantis has gotten the 10,000 support, it will be reviewed by the LEGO panel to determine if it could be an official set.
Here’s to hoping Snelson42’s LEGO MOC UCS Space Shuttle Atlantis get the nod of approval from the LEGO panel of judges it so very deserve.
Images: LEGO Ideas (Snelson42).
Source: Zusammengebaut [DE].