LEGO Space Projects 52 Creative Models by Jeff Friesen

If you want to get creative with LEGO but don’t know where to start and you happen to love space-themed LEGOs, well then, the LEGO Space Projects 52 Creative Models (No Starch Press, ISBN-13: 978-1718501164) is just the LEGO literature for you.

LEGO Space Projects 52 Creative Models by Jeff Friesen

Authored by Jeff Friesen, an award-winning LEGO expert and photographer, and the author behind several other LEGO-themed books, the LEGO Space Projects contains 52 creative space-themed models designed by Friesen himself.

The projects are spread across 224 pages and range from real-life spacecraft to all-out sci-fi models, and complete with step-by-step instructions and stunning full-color photography.

LEGO Space Projects 52 Creative Models by Jeff Friesen

If you have a bunch of LEGO elements lying around, this book will let you put those bricks to good use. The best part is, you don’t need to own tens of thousands of bricks because the projects range from just 8 bricks to 100.

The LEGO Space Projects is a must-have for space geeks and any LEGO enthusiasts who desire to beyond the standard issues.

If you are enamored, you may pick up the LEGO Space Projects on for US$17.49.

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Images: no starch press.

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via Brickfanatics.