Living Ink Time-lapse Bio-ink Pens

A pen is just a pen. There’s nothing interactive, much less living, about it. So, if you are looking to make your greeting card, artwork or whatnot alive, digital media is perhaps the way to go, but that’s before Living Ink Time-lapse Bio-ink Pen comes along. Living Ink Technologies’s Bio-ink pen is no ordinary pen; it lets you draw/write like regular writing instrument but turns invisible in about 10 minutes, only to magically appears after a few days of exposure to sunlight. The folks are calling it the “time-lapse” ink, which is pretty accurate cos’ the work of art only appears a few days later and in stages, if you use different ‘speed’ ink for your creation.

Living Ink Time-lapse Bio-ink Pens

Living Ink, like the microwave oven, is an accidental discovery. It started when the folks over at Living Ink Technologies is working to create a sustainable and affordable alternative to petroleum-based ink. The ink is made up of algae and water, and when applied to paper and placed inside a nutrients and moisture filled greenhouse (which basically serves as the frame for your work of art), allows the artistic creation to surface in a few days time.

Living Ink Time-lapse Bio-ink Pens

Living Ink is one of the coolest inventions for consumer we have seen so far. At this day and age, we often relies on technology to put our message across, but with Living Ink, you can do the same, albeit in a not repetitive way. It kind of gives your creation a personal and magical touch. Saying ‘happy birthday’ to a person with a static card is nothing like an appearing birthday cake and subsequently, with lit candles, that if timed right based on the Living Ink’s ‘slow’ and ‘fast’ inks to coincide with the birthday, it could even more impactful.

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Living Ink is fun but fun is just the beginning of a bolder ambition and that’s to eventually replace harmful petroleum-based ink with algae-based ink. But first, Living Ink Technologies wants to get Living Ink to you through a Kickstarter campaign where you can pre-order a basic set of Living Inks (fast and slow) for as low as $40. The basic set also includes an instruction guide, 5 pieces of high-quality paper, and a greenhouse to grow and display your creation.

Living Ink Time-lapse Bio-ink Pens

Living Ink Time-lapse Bio-ink Pens

submitted via TIP US page.