Magic Flask Enhances Liquor Taste and Aroma

You know what? Just the other day, I watched an episode of Hack My Life on how to regular water filter can turn low quality Vodka into premium tasting Russian hard liquor. It involves pouring the Vodka through a water filter several times. If the TV show were to be trusted, the hack actually works, but like most hacks, it is a time consuming process. But lucky for those who are too lazy to lift a finger, there’s an alcohol-drinking gadget that will save you the legwork, ermmm, well, hand work of filtering the hard liquor four or five times.

Magic Flask Enhances Liquor Taste and Aroma

Aptly called Magic Flask, this seemingly nondescript stainless steel will also save you from tainting your water filter with Vodka taste. I am sure not all family members will appreciate alcohol-flavored faucet water, right? Anywho, unlike the hack which apparently works only for Vodka, the Magic Flask goes a step further by allowing you to turn other popular hard liquors, such as bourbon, cognac, rum, tequila, whiskey, or just about any high alcohol content liquor, into top shelf, premium tasting alcohol. All you have to do is to introduce the desire alcohol into the Magic Flash and in 30 minutes or longer, your favorite adult beverage will, like the product’s namesake suggests, magically taste better.

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Magic Flask Enhances Liquor Taste and Aroma

Now, how it really works is kind of sketchy here. The company behind Magic Flask, Potion Pal, said Magic Flash leverages on “bioresonance-related technology” which uses electromagnetic waves to allow the stainless steel flask to have qualitative change effect on its content. That is as far as Potion Pal goes in explaining how it works and so, the real ‘magic’ is still pretty much unclear. I guess it is a way of protecting the product IP. Speaking of which, the technology has been patented, so I guess we just have take the company’s and a bunch of random folks’ words for it.

Magic Flask Enhances Liquor Taste and Aroma

If you are up for it, you can pre-order the Magic Flask on Indiegogo where it is having a flexible goal campaign. You get to choose from two sizes: 7oz and 18oz. Depending on how soon you drop your pledge and the capacity desired, you are looking at $25-36 a pop. Delivery is expected to happen sometime in June 2018.

Magic Flask Enhances Liquor Taste and Aroma

All images courtesy of Potion Pal.

Submitted via TIP US Page.