(photos: Ultra Case) Metallic Bumper Case for Samsung Galaxy Note & S2 | US$46.99 | www.ultra-case.com
in recent years, iPhone-related accessories have flooded the market like a massive flood from a burst dam and in the process, leaving other popular makes of smartphone high and dry. however, with Android phones like the Samsung Galaxy Note and Galaxy S2 gaining popularity, manufacturers are beginning to open up to developing cases for them. the Metallic Bumper Cases for Samsung Galaxy Note and Galaxy S2 are just the handful that surfaced in recent time and boy, do they look pretty. costing $46.99 a pop, the Metallic Bumper Case is crafted from aluminum that offers protection for your phone’s sides with the look to match. on the inside, the bumper case features rubber padding that helps to avert any chance of the case scratching your phone and also provides a snug fit, preventing the phone from moving within the case. as opposed to the more common two part top-and-bottom slider, this case has a horizontal slider, ensuring that the device will not come loose from the case even on heavy impact. the Metallic Bumper Case is available for Galaxy Note and the Galaxy S2, and comes in a choice of 10 colors. larger views after the break.