New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete

Remember the “Boston Dynamic” robot parody by the FX folks from Corridor Digital? Well, it has a brilliant follow up. This time, the robot underwent a tactical shooting training while, you guessed it, subjected to barrage of abuses by its “trainers.”

Entitled New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete (Bosstown Dynamics), the robot was through its paces, shooting things while the “trainers” kick, push and trash it with a variety of objects.

New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete

Eventually, it came face to face with “Bosstown Dynamics” Spot robot dog as the “training” and abuses continued. As expected, the robot had enough and fought back.

First by shooting on the ground next to the “trainers” to scare them and then pushing a couple of them over, before picking up “Spot” and made a run for it.

Alarm blares and “trainers” hopped onto their vehicle in pursuit for the robot that went rogue.

Like the previous video, this 4+ minutes video make for an entertaining watch (as with all Corridor Digital’s productions). Go ahead and check out in the video embedded below.

Images: YouTube (Corridor).