(image credit: Orbotix)
if flying the Parrot A.R.Drone is not for you, then maybe something that rolls on the ground might appeal to you. though not using WiFi for control, the robotic ball – dubbed Sphero (yes, it has a name now) – is controlled by a smartphone via Bluetooth. developed by Boulder-based Orbotix start-up, the Sphero is a entirely new game platform which the physical ball forms part of your gaming experience.
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once this platform is fully developed, the company hope to inspires developers to come forward and create tons of apps based around Sphero. in term of gaming, one example that Orbotic cited was using the Sphero to challenge a friend to a head-to-head sumo match. previously, Orbotic has solved a maze by rolling the Sphero around a floor. future gaming might just turn physical, literally. who cares about 3D gaming when you have the real thing rolling around?
the Sphero is designed to be operated with iOS and Android OS and Orbotic has stated that the API is open to developers. hopefully, with the open platform, the Sphero will spur developers to create cool new applications and games for the Sphero.
(image credit: Orbotix)