Ozzy Osbourne Detachable Head Plush Bat

Thirty seven years ago, in January 20, 1982, at the former Veteran Memorial Auditorium (now, Iowa Events Center) in Des Moines, Iowa, English rock singer Ozzy Osbourne shocked the world when he bit off the head of a dead bat threw on stage by a fan. On January 21, 2019, Ozzy marks the 37th anniversary since the bloody decapitation act with this: an adorable plushie bat with a detachable head, simply called Plush Bat. And I am not even joking!

Ozzy Osbourne Detachable Head Plush Bat

It is a strange thing to celebrate which, TBH, didn’t help with a very bizarre plush toy that celebrates it. Needless to say, the event in 1982 shook the entire entertainment industry, but fortunately, this plushie won’t be doing the same. It is just adorable, harmless plush toy. Though some may frown upon at this senseless celebration of a barbaric act. But hey, it’s showbiz and back then, shock rock was the ‘in’ thing. Don’t believe? Just ask Alice Cooper.

Anyways, for those who are clueless about what happened at Veteran Memorial Auditorium in 1982, here’s the report by Des Moines Register, dated January 22, 1982 (and reposted/updated on September 22, 2017):

“Osbourne reportedly put a dead bat in his mouth, bit its head off and threw it back into the crowd of about 5,000 at the auditorium Wednesday night.

Some skeptics think the whole thing was a publicity stunt – even the taking of the first of a series of five rabies shots at a Des Moines hospital after the concert.

But Mark Neal, 17, of Des Moines said he threw the dead bat onto the stage, saw Osbourne pick it up, bite its head off and then throw it into the audience.

“It really freaked me out,” Neal said. “I won’t get in any trouble for admitting this, will I?”

After the show, Osbourne went to Mercy Hospital Medical Center, and was referred to Broadlawns Medical Center because rabies vaccine was available there.”

Ozzy Osbourne Detachable Head Plush Bat

TBH, I didn’t know it was thrown on stage by someone until today. I have always thought that Ozzy Osbourne arranged the entire thing for to create a sensation. So, he person did threw it and apparently, on his own accord. But I guess we will never know, right? Anyways, the Plush Bat features the Ozzy Osbourne logo and uses Velcro to pull off the detachable head trick.

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I suggest that you do not replicate the same act even with a plush toy. That’s not very nice. If you are keen, you will have to keep your eyes peeled on the product page because, the first batch of Detachable Head Plush Bat’s pre-sale is already sold out. No words if the item will be back, but as said, do keep your eyes peeled because, I have a feeling it will have a second or even a third batch going. I mean, why not when there’s money to be made, right?

Ozzy Osbourne Detachable Head Plush Bat
Ozzy Osbourne Detachable Head Plush Bat

Images: Ozzy.

Source: Geekologie.