Pac-Man and Ghosts Planter Set Etsy

Thanks to 3D printing, you can have all kind of objects even if your favorite franchises do not offer them. Like for example, getting a Death Star planter or perhaps, a set of Pac-Man and Ghosts Planters such as these ones you see here from Etsy seller Retro Gaming Centre.

Pac-Man and Ghosts Planter Set Etsy

The Pac-Man and Ghosts Planter Set is a set of 4 Pac-Man-inspired 3D printed flower pots, presented in all its pixelated goodness. The planters are for, well, growing small plants and succulents, of course. Each pot has 5 holes in the bottom for draining water.

The set is offered in two sizes: 6 by 6 cm (2.3 by 2.3 inches) and 10 by 10 cm (3.9 by 3.9 inches) and you will have the option to pick up a matching tray that has snack pellets adorning the perimeter. A small detail but a very cool one.

Pac-Man and Ghosts Planter Set Etsy

Unfortunately though, it does not appear to have any Power Pellet, and no, it does not have the option of after-power-pellet-consumption blue Blinky, Pinky and Clyde. That said, it would be nice if someone can mod it to change the Ghosts to blue when water is added to them. Just thinking out loud here.

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Anywho, if you are keen, you may pick up the Pac-Man and Ghosts Planter Set from Etsy for US$51.04 and up. Already, I imagine the planter set will be the perfect companion to the quarter scale Pac-Man arcade.

Pac-Man and Ghosts Planter Set Etsy

Fun fact: Do you know the tiny dots aka snack pellets that Pac-Man munches as he moves around were original cookies?

Images: Etsy (Retro Gaming Centre).

via Technabob.