Me-Mover Elliptical-style Trike

Me-Mover Elliptical-style Trike

walking not only gets you to point a-b, but it is also a good form of exercise. however, there is a limit to how fast a person can walk, and that’s not to mention the impact walking has on the knees of those who has knee injuries. the solution? the Me-Mover. it is kind of like an…

GCT CR-1 Carbon Fiber Camper Trailer

GCT CR-1 Carbon Fiber Camper Trailer

when it comes to road-going vehicles, carbon fiber is a symbol of luxury as opposed to actually having gold or precious stones stuck on them. not that you can’t have it all gold, but carbon fiber is lightweight and strong which spells practicality for automobiles – especially so when you are towing it like the GCT CR-1 Carbon…

Toniiq Ultra Premium Hangover Prevention

Toniiq Ultra Premium Hangover Prevention

hangover. who doesn’t have them after a serious night of intoxication? like all things in life, we want the good stuff and not the after effects and this is why career party animals need Toniiq (pronounce as ‘tonic’). sure, there are tons of cures for hangover, ranging from the traditional to the modern ‘medicine’, but they are after…

iLanyard Earbuds Stay

iLanyard Earbuds Cord Stay

what do you do when you need to take your sunglasses off momentarily and still keep your hands free? well, you either push it up and wear it like a hairband, or you use a dedicated cord and let it hang off your neck. now, you can’t do the same with audio earbuds, can you? actually…

Blackmagic URSA 4K Digital Film Camera

Blackmagic URSA 4K Digital Film Camera

well, it is time of the year again where broadcast and film equipment makers are eagerly dishing out new gadgets and gizmos for the industry, and not surprisingly, Blackmagic also have some interesting products to share and among them, is the Blackmagic URSA 4K Digital Film Camera, which is one rig that stands out in the show not…

Blackmagic Studio Camera

Blackmagic Studio Camera

we see the Blackmagic Studio Camera as a good news for aspiring talk show YouTubers. if you dream of doing what folks like David Letterman, Jimmy Fallow or whoever did or are doing, then the only thing standing between that dream and you is a properly equipped studio. speaking of which, this $1,995 studio camera might be a good place to start.

Tubecore Duo Intelligent Home Audio System

Tubecore Duo Intelligent Home Audio System

the market is no shortage of good looking wireless speakers, but you’d be hard-pressed to find one that could be described as an all-rounder. lucky for you, the Tubecore Duo Intelligent Home Audio System happens to be one that fits the ‘all-rounder’ bill. we can’t deny the fact that this hardwood cabinet enclosed audio system is an absolute…

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