Loop Mobile Wallet

Loop Mobile Wallet

all this while, developed nations have been talking about going cashless. so cashless we went, but that result with another set of headaches: a wallet fatten by a collection of credit and debit cards. this is where Loop Mobile Wallet comes in. so what exactly is Loop? well, the Loop is a true electronic mobile wallet that allows you to securely store

Sony HMZ-T3W Personal 3D Viewer

Sony HMZ-T3W Personal 3D Viewer

headphones provide us with audio privacy, but visually, if you are watching a movie on your tablet, you can never get that privacy that you desire. instead of slapping on a privacy screen protector on your mobile device, the Sony HMZ-T3W Personal 3D Viewer provides a private and immersive multimedia experience.

TAG Heuer MERIDIIST II Luxury Phone

TAG Heuer MERIDIIST II Luxury Phone

look around and you’d will be hard pressed to find anyone using a feature phone today, let alone one that cost four figures. however, for the select few who have the means to do so and has no desire to dive into the world of smartphones, there’s the TAG Heuer MERIDIIST II Luxury Phone to fill the luxury feature phone void.

Post Foosball Table

Post Foosball Table

the next time when you are tempted to pick up another electronic gadget to fulfill your leisure and/or entertainment need, why not stop and opt for a less ‘harmful’ alternative like the old school foosball table? seriously, not only you save yourself from dumping an electronic waste to the landfill (well, eventually), but you are also saving some of the precious

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