Poopins Biodegradable Dog Poop Markers

We have never posted a product that involves so many images of crap. And so here they are in all its sh*tty glory but censored to protect your appetite in case you’re reading this as you slurp on your instant ramen. Though the product ain’t crap, btw, if that’s what you are thinking. If anything, we thought they are actually quite brilliant. The product in question is Poopins and like its name suggest, it is designed to pin on dog droppings to warn others of the imminent ‘minefield’ around them. So, yeah. You’d be a morally responsible citizen, unlike those let their pooches do their number two without clearing them. Shame on them. Anywho, each Poopin is made of crushed waste rocks (stone, marble, tiles and such) paper known as Rockstone which will biodegrade after prolong exposure to the sun. It is thick, at 560gsm, which makes it tough enough to be pin on the hardest canine turd you can find while thin and small enough to be slip into your wallet.

Poopins Biodegradable Dog Poop Markers

Each pack of Poopins contains 20 individual teardrop-shape Poopin, each with its own custom message on one side and Poopins’ logo on the other. The custom message which may includes stuff like “s!#@t happens but please not here”, “scoop the poop”, “budge your smudge”, “don’t be a dick, pick up your sh*t”, serves as a friendly reminder that it’s not cool to leave fido’s shit around. Poopins’ New Zealander creators hope these “bad, bad owner” will repent and pick the dropping up the next day when they see their dogs’ waste pinned with Poopins. Plus, the bright orange teardrop-shape pin also serve as warnings to others so they don’t go around stepping on poops. It is a long shot as far as educating dog owners the decency to clean up their act, but it’s a start.

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If you think Poopins Biodegradable Dog Poop Markers are something that you could benefit from, you may want to consider backing Poopins’ Kickstarter campaign. A pledge of $12 New Zealand money will secure yourself a pack of 20 pins – if the campaign is able to meet or surpass its set funding goal of 10 grand in the next 21 days or so.

Poopins Biodegradable Dog Poop Markers

Poopins Biodegradable Dog Poop Markers

Poopins Biodegradable Dog Poop Markers

Poopins Biodegradable Dog Poop Markers

submitted via TIP US page.