Professor Chuan-Bin Chung’s Art with Anatomy

Don’t you hate it when a teacher tries to illustrate something on the blackboard but ended with nothing but drawings that doesn’t make any sense? It happens… to most teachers, but not in the case of Chuan-Bin Chung. Chung is a science substitute teacher in Taiwan and unlike most teachers, he has the knack for drawing and in his case, he is particularly apt in illustrating human anatomy. Chung is somewhat like a perfectionist. He even go to the extend of preparing his illustrations on papers before drawing and explaining it live in front of his students and when he draws, he made sure he employ the correct art techniques to ensure accuracy.

Professor Chuan-Bin Chung’s Art with Anatomy

We are awed by his ability and if you asked me, what Chung is doing will certainly help in learning, if not aiding in cultivating the appreciate of the art of drawing. I won’t be surprised if some students decided to switch to the art faculty after attending Chung’s classes. Anyways, as you may have guessed, Chung’s work of art had the Internet community going gaga. Though it is odd that at this time and age, teachers still draw instead of using ready-made Powerpoint presentations, but I guess it is kind of refreshing at the same time and being a person who loves to doodle (I drew a lot when I was younger, btw), I can totally appreciate his efforts.

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But seriously, Chung should consider switching to coaching in the art of drawing. A look at Chung’s Facebook page reveals that he indeed has a deep passion for illustrations, specializing in human figure drawings and he is absolutely gifted in this aspect. You can catch Chung’s lectures on his YouTube channel or admire some of his works on his Facebook page.

Professor Chuan-Bin Chung’s Art with Anatomy

Professor Chuan-Bin Chung’s Art with Anatomy

All images via Chuan-Bin Chung.

via Lost At E Minor