Quintessential Grilled Cheese Sandwich

It’s a shame that we just came across this, but given that the ocean of “world’s most expensive,” we authorized ourselves to be forgiven for the lapse. We are talking about the world’s most expensive sandwich, or as Guinness World Records called “Most Expensive Sandwich Commercially Available,” the Quintessential Grilled Cheese from the six decades old Upper East Side chocolates and coffee shop, Serendipity 3. The official world record was awarded on October 29, 2014. Though about one and half years since, Quintessential Grilled Cheese still held the record as the most expensive sandwich, which makes us wonder: why hasn’t anybody make another sandwich that tops it? Perhaps, it is not worth the time, or effort?

Anyways, we stumble upon this luxe sandwich while looking up for info on the crazy expensive donut we featured yesterday, so we thought since the record hasn’t been ‘broken’ we might as well feature it. Besides, that sandwich looks totally palatable. Ok. Apart from burgers, grilled cheese sandwich is another of my soft spot (preferably with ham). It is a simple food that makes me happy, but in the case of the Quintessential Grilled Cheese, it isn’t as simple, at least not the price, which commands a cool $214 a pop. We are not sure if Serendipity 3 is still selling it. Last checked, it wasn’t reflected on the menu. Perhaps, it’s gone? Or perhaps, it is so expensive that it needs not be on the menu at all? I don’t know. Perhaps, New Yorker readers can shed some light on this.

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So, what makes this sandwich so expensive? The cost lies in the ingredients and of course, the real gold leaf, which most definitely adds to the price. The sandwich is made up of two pieces of bread baked in Dom Perignon champagne, coated with some white truffle oil with gold and in between, are white truffle butter spread and generous chunks of very rare Caciocavallo Podolico cheese, said to cost as much as $45 a pound. But that’s not it. The sandwich is served with specially made South African Lobster Tomato Bisque as a dipping sauce. What? Do sandwiches really need dipping sauce? Well, definitely not in my opinion, but hey, this is after a luxe food and expensive dipping sauce seems like the only right thing to have for expensive food, right?

Quintessential Grilled Cheese Sandwich

via Barcroft TV