(photos: Formula 1) Red Bull Racing 2012 Race Belt | £26.00 | www.formula1.com
we usually leave our tees untucked mainly because of two things: we do not have a decent waist line to show and we do not own any belt (and belt buckle) that’s worthy of exposing our less-than-ideal mid-waist anatomy. yes. all this sitting in front of the computer posting away while munching on snacks have somewhat enlarge our waist line a little. however, we might consider going on the tuck-in our tees ritual on daily basis if we have a belt like the Red Bull Racing 2012 Race Belt. this official Red Bull Racing merchandize sports an aviation theme with a belt buckle fashioned after an airplane’s seatbelt buckle and features an eye-catching ice blue belt decorated with the brand’s slogan “Gives You Wings”. though, it is probable that such a striking belt would inevitably draws everyone’s attention to our larger-than-usual waist but then again, it is also possible that they would be more attracted to this novelly awesome belt. the Red Bull Racing 2012 Race Belt can be yours for £26 a piece (about US$41), available from the official F1 online store with shipment expected to be sometime after mid-April – this year, of course. hit the jump for a couple of larger views.