according to some studies, prolong sitting is just about as harmful as smoking. yes. we know. it sounds pretty absurd and kind of makes the person who invented the chair looks stupid. but that’s how it is. health issue associated with sitting for too long may not be apparent, but one thing we can agree on is, it does make you feel drowsy a little easier, especially when you have a good comfy chair and nice climate control environment (btw, that’s what i am feeling now, sleepy). so, perhaps standing as you work might be a brilliant idea after all, but we did a quick search for standing desks and concluded that they aren’t cheap to start with. for that, a New Zealand startup, Refold has to perfect solution: the Refold Cardboard Standing Desk. the name pretty much says it all. it is a standing desk, comes flat-packed and assembled in minutes.
it can be disassembled as fast as it is put together and packed into a self-contained carrying case weighing just 14.3 lbs (6.5 kg) which you can store it with minimal amount of space or lug it to wherever you need to work. the desk is made entirely out of 7mm twin cushion Kraft cardboard with fold lines and slots and boast legs that are constructed from three pieces of cardboard, laminated together using environmentally-friendly glue. the result is a desk strong enough to hold up a person’s weigh, 100% recyclable, and also relatively affordable. the real kicker is, it comes in the original cardboard color, which provides creative persons a canvas to decorate their Refold as they see fits. pretty awesome, ain’t it? the Refold folks are running a Kickstarter campaign where you can acquire the Refold Cardboard Standing Desk for $160 New Zealand dollars, or about US$127. keep going for a few more product look and a pitch video.