Ok. We are not here to preach some equality bullshit here. However, the fact is that there are lot less girls interested in science and even less in the field of STEM. Unlike physical attributes, intellectual is pretty much equal in both sexes and therefore, there’s really no reason not to encourage young ladies to pick up science. This is where Smore Magazine wants to make the difference. You see, up till now, young ladies have been influence by magazines with topics revolving around beauty, fashion and entertainment, and the result is pretty much one have anticipated: a generation of dainty, young creatures in pursuit of beauty, fashion and chasing after idols.
I am sure among those, there are a bunch who are curious about science, but the problem is, there’s nothing relatable to them. But what if you have a girls-orientated magazine that’s all about science? Yeah, I think you know where’s Smore is going from here, don’t you? In a way, Smore Magazine is doing what Lammily is doing to Barbie-style of dolls, but of course, in the aspect of magazine, both digital and print. Smore Magazine will be ad-free, supported by its subscription base of curious girls. The magazine aims to keep these young fair ladies interested in science and hopefully, grow up to be confident, brilliant and successful women in the field of science and technology.
It is a bimonthly publication with each issue boasting 40 pages of illustrated content, bite size science topics, as well as featuring teen scientists and inventors to inspire aspiring young lady scientists – all presented in a fun, comic-style format that will make picking up knowledge fun and, undoubtedly, make science super cool to girls ages 7-12, or just about anyone who’s interested in science, really. Sarita Menon, the brainchild of Smore Magazine, has taken to Kickstarter to introduce this wonderful new concept to the world.
The magazine is on its final leg of its campaign and it (the campaign) have since met its funding goal, rolling in over $22K in backing from 400 backers. If you are up for it, you can pre-order the first two issues (August and October) for $15 and $26, for the digital and the print edition, respectively. Or if you are willing, you can get a-year subscription for $30 digital edition, or $50 for the print edition. You can learn more about Smore Magazine in the pitch video below.
Images courtesy of Smore Magazine.
Submitted via TIP US page.