Space Candle Outer Space Scent

I bet many had one point in time dreamed of becoming an astronaut, but how did it go for you? Not quite well, I supposed. Yeah, me too. In fact, for many, we can only imagine what it is like being in space and how it smell like et cetera. Well, your dream might be dashed, but fret not, because, thanks to virtual reality, you can almost feel like you are out there in space and if that itself isn’t immersive enough for you, the Space Candle you see here will add a touch of aroma to your humble abode, so your space experience will be truly complete.

Yep. You heard that right. Apparently, space has smell too. Like, who knew, right? Space Candle is an attempt to replicate the smell of space with a distinct scent concocted based on the descriptions shared by astronauts. This 16 oz. is crafted from 100 percent soy wax right here in the good’ol US of A and offers a long 80 plus hours of burn time. Perfect for homes that has decor that center around space-age theme. And did we mention it has a very cool container to go with it? Yup. It sure does. Available from Cool Material store for a modest $24.95 a pop.

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Image courtesy of Cool Material.