Star Wars Death Star Shelving Unit

We have found the perfect shelving for those who have quite a collection of LEGO micro Star Wars sets: the Star Wars Death Star Shelving Unit from Disney. Made from wood composite, this unique circular shelving unit features two shelves for your LEGO micro Star Wars collection against a backdrop of the infamous moon-size space station the Imperial called home. Around the back are two keyhole hangers to facilitate ease of hanging. If the circular form of this furniture is unique enough (it is, btw), the imposing image of the Death Star should make it so.

Star Wars Death Star Shelving Unit

Unfortunately, though, the Death Star here is 2D. It will be nice if it has some relieve created by Industrial Light and Magic’s kit-bashing. If not, the fascia of the shelves should at least have the Death Star image on them for continuity’s sake when viewed from the front. Right now, it just look like two thick, black lines have cut across the space station. Oh well, I guess one can’t ask for much. The Star Wars Death Star Shelving Unit measures 24 inches (about 61 centimeters) in diameter and at 4 inches (10 centimeters) deep, it is more than enough to accommodate the LEGO micro Star Wars sets (I have checked against my own collection).

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Star Wars Death Star Shelving Unit

The Star Wars Death Star Shelving Unit is available from Disney shop online, priced at $119.95. Damn. It isn’t cheap! With this sticker, it will be hard for me to convince my wifey that why I should one for my LEGO micro Star Wars collection. Anywho, I think this awesome shelving unit works best when hang a wall decorated with stars, don’t you think?

Star Wars Death Star Shelving Unit

Star Wars Death Star Shelving Unit

Images: Disney.

via GeekAlerts.