(image credit: Richard Clarkson/Rotary Mechanical)
what else can i say? it’s a concept mobile phone that got all caught up by steampunk. steampunk isn’t a real world thing, perhaps that is probably why we love it so much. it’s the mechanical-sci-fi fantasy that draws us to it, and that’s what it’s creator Richard Clarkson has done – drawing us to ogle at his Rotary Mechanical Smartphone. Clarkson’s Rotary Mechanical Smartphone features two interchangeable brass dials (arghhh… brass, the staple of any steampunk object): one, a true-blue rotary dial and the other, a button dial. the phone gets its vintage look, courtesy of an electroplated copper topped with a coat of paint. it’s breathtakingly awesome. check out more images after the break and be awed.
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Rotary Mechanical via Yanko Design