Hammacher Schlemmer

The iPad Musical Shower Curtain

The iPad Musical Shower Curtain

can’t live a moment away from your smartphone or tablet even when you hit the shower? then you seriously got to check out The iPad Musical Shower Curtain. it is shower curtain with a waterproof pocket for your iPad and has a clear, touch sensitive plastic facing the shower which allows you to continue touching

The Best Two Slice Toaster

The Best Two Slice Toaster

there are growing number of connected home appliances, but one thing for sure, we like our toasters the way it is – if the toaster in question is The Best Two Slice Toaster (as usual, that’s the name bestowed on it by Hammacher). according to Hammacher, this sleek toaster can consistently turn out perfectly browned toaster than any model.

The iPad Commode Caddy by CTA Digital

The iPad Commode Caddy by CTA Digital

do you feel the need to read magazines while you are dropping the kids off at the pool? instead of pile of magazines, why not read from a handy device such as your iPad? but if so, where do you put your iPad? The iPad Commode Caddy by CTA Digitalaka pedestal stand with roll holder for iPad seems to hold the answer to

Blastmaster XL by Mobile Fidelity Inc - Blue

Blastmaster XL by Mobile Fidelity Inc.

let’s face it: hugging a boombox over your shoulder is so passe. these days a tiny Bluetooth speaker could do the same job without you having to suffer from aching shoulder at the end of the day. however, if you are looking to pump up your mobile parties in a really big way (and we do mean really big), then you really got to check out the