
The Neat Ice Kit by Studio Neat

The Neat Ice Kit by Studio Neat

at the verge of giving up on home-concocted cocktails because they taste nothing like what your favorite bar serves up? well, don’t, at least not until you have given The Neat Ice Kit by Studio Neat a shot. seriously, ice? yes. very seriously. believe it or not, ice can sometimes make or break your concoction, and this kit is the the kit that will let create the right ice you need for your cocktails

Pucs Stainless Steel Ice

Pucs Stainless Steel Ice

when we think of cold drinks, two things come to mind: fridge and ice. out of the fridge, a drink turns non-chill quickly and as for ice, though they are excellent cooler, they will inherently dilute the taste of your favorite drink, and that’s not to mention it will add unnecessary chemicals found in tap water as they melts. this is where purist drinkers