
Oppo Find 7 Smartphone

Oppo Find 7 Smartphone

even before the dust of 1080p settles on smartphones, Chinese handset maker joins the likes of the Vivo XPlay 3S in offering 2K display-equipped phone with the new Oppo Find 7. no wait. there are actually two models of Find 7; the first is the a premium Find7 which is the one with…

Oppo R1 Smartphone

Oppo R1 Smartphone

ever wanted an Android handset with a touch of gold? well, now you can – with the new Oppo R1 Smartphone. though that little gold-effect is only found on the metal band and only available to the white version of the handset; the black version stills get the silver treatment.

Oppo N1 Smartphone

Oppo N1 Smartphone

not that we want to sneer at iPhone 5s’ fingerprint scanning feature, but we seriously think Apple needs more than a 64-bit architecture and fancy fingerprint scanner to be worthy of being called innovative or breakthrough. if the company’s shares performance is any indication, the new iPhones are anything but groundbreaking