Ever look at your car and wished you could just change color as you desire? Well, with electrophoretic technology, you could as proven by the BMW iX Flow Featuring E Ink.

The body surface of this electric Sports Activity Vehicle is able to change color and shade at the driver’s prompting – thanks to the specially developed e-ink body wrap that is tailored to the contours of the automobile.
When stimulated by electric signals, the electrophoretic technology allows different color pigments to be revealed and therefore achieve color and pattern change.

Here are more details straight from the horse’s mouth if those who are keen to know how e-ink works on this vehicle:
“Electrophoretic colouring is based on a technology developed by E Ink that is most well-known from the displays used in eReaders. The surface coating of the BMW iX Flow featuring E Ink contains many millions of microcapsules, with a diameter equivalent to the thickness of a human hair. Each of these microcapsules contains negatively charged white pigments and positively charged black pigments. Depending on the chosen setting, stimulation by means of an electrical field causes either the white or the black pigments to collect at the surface of the microcapsule, giving the car body the desired shade.”
So, yeah, it is basically wrapped in ePaper. Folks, this is how far e-ink technology has progressed. Pretty amazing actually.
Though I doubt it is a good idea for a car in the eyes of the law. I imagine the officers in pursuit of the suspect car would have a hard time describing what color the suspect car is. But from the consumers’ point of view, it could be a customization dream come true.

All images courtesy of BMW Group.