Wake Up & Smell The Bacon iPhone Alarm Clock
if you are an enormous fan of bacons to a point that you will be awaken by the even the faintest delicious smell of bacon, then you are in luck, cos' Oscar Mayer's <a href="http://www.wakeupandsmellthebacon.com/" target="_blank">Wake Up & Smell The Bacon iPhone Device</a> is <em>the</em> alarm clock designed with you in mind.

if you are an enormous fan of bacons to a point that you will be awaken by the even the faintest delicious smell of bacon, then you are in luck, cos’ Oscar Mayer’s Wake Up & Smell The Bacon iPhone Device is the alarm clock designed with you in mind. the Wake Up & Smell The Bacon iPhone Alarm Clock is a hardware accessory and app combo that will emit the scent and sound of sizzling bacon when the alarm sounds. well, basically, that’s all there’s to it. i guess for serious bacon lovers, you hardly need anything more than the smell and sound to draw you out of the slumberland and the best part is, you don’t even need to flip the pans. nobody has to do anything except for setting the alarm time on the Wake Up & Smell The Bacon app and wait for Mr. Bacon to wake you up.

the device is not for sale, unfortunately. however, from now through to April 4, bacon fans everywhere can apply for a chance to receive a free Wake Up & Smell The Bacon device. winning applicants will get their device in six to eight weeks time after application close. the app is free though and even if you don’t win, you can still utilize the app and be treated to sizzling bacon sound and amusing bacon sayings or “baconisms.” before you go, may we suggest that you check out an elaborate, cinematography-rich commercial of the Wake Up & Smell The Bacon iPhone Device. seriously. don’t miss it.

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