HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley

Good news, Star Wars fans. HasLab is crowdfunding one of the most iconic places in the Star Wars universe, the Mos Eisley Cantina. Joining the likes of the Sail Barge, and The Ghost, is the HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley.

HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley

Inspired by the dimly-lit tavern on the planet Tatooine straight out of Star Wars: A New Hope, the set touts screen-accurate design and measures a space-devouring 82.55 cm (over 32 inches) by 74.61 cm (over 29 inches).

Unfortunately, the set’s focus is the interior, and play and display elements, and as such, it does not have a proper exterior and hence no iconic domes.

What you will be getting—assuming that it gets green-lit—is an external entrance façade, the main catina entry archway and stairs, a large bar, 3 modular sitting booths, and archways in a fully modular, interchangeable design. This lets you display however you desire.

The set boasts a boatload of details, from the piping behind the bar to the light fixtures and taxidermy heads for décor. It is indeed a sight to behold, granted what we are seeing now are renders and prototype sets.

Speaking of details, the set is supplied with a plethora of accessories, so it’d be ready for your 3.75” guests from all over the galaxy. The accessories include 8 round tables, 1 large rectangular table, 4 tall stools, 15 short stools, 5 single-seat chairs, 4 two-seat benches, 8 different types of cups totaling over 100 cups, and barware like pipes and accessories.

HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley

It does not appear to have the faux blue milk in any of those cups though.

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If the campaign is successfully backed, it will also include Star Wars: The Vintage Collection exclusive carded 3.75-Inch Wuher figure with 3 accessories , Star Wars: The Vintage Collection exclusive carded 3.75-Inch Brea Tonnika figure with 4 accessories , and Star Wars: The Vintage Collection exclusive carded 3.75-Inch Senni Tonnika figure with 4 accessories.

The HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley is offered in two versions: the standard and the Deluxe. The Deluxe will include everything the standard set has plus a Cantina expansion with extra walls, booths, and furniture.

Obviously, a true fan will want the Deluxe version, well, that’s if money is no object because this latest Star Wars HasLab campaign is far from cheap. The standard set commands US$399.99 and the Deluxe costs 100 bucks more at US$499.99. Ouch.

HasLab is seeking 8,000 backers to green-light the set. At the time of this article, it is more than halfway there with 5,149 backers. The campaign will end at 11:59 PM EDT on July 08, 2024.

HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley
HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley
HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley

Images: Hasbro.