Burger King Hands Free Whopper - Tattoo Artist
what if you are hungry, but there are still work to be done? sadly, there aren't any perfect solutions available. it is either you choose to go hungry or stop work and take a bite - that's until the Burger King Hands Free Whopper comes along, or so we thought. if you think the applications of the Burger King Hands Free Whopper is exactly what it says it is and it sounds almost like a dream too good

what if you are hungry, but there are still work to be done? sadly, there aren’t any perfect solutions available. it is either you choose to go hungry or stop work and take a bite – that’s until the Burger King Hands Free Whopper comes along, or so we thought. if you think the applications of the Burger King Hands Free Whopper is exactly what it says it is and it sounds almost like a dream too good to be true, then you damn right about it. as it turns out, while researching for this post (yes, we do that cos’ we hate to look silly), we found reports (here and here) of Burger King dismissing the Hands Free Whopper as an ad campaign designed to celebrate Puerto Rico branch Burger King 50th anniversary. if you don’t already know what the Hands Free Whopper is, then hit past the jump and catch a self-explanatory video for some “awesome ideas of how the Hands Free Whopper could be use” (ok, maybe the boxing one is a little way off the chart). anyway, it looks like not just the rest of the world will be out of luck in owning one awesome lazy man’s product. damn. we just wish BK will really make them. why not BK? why???

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