Alien Facehugger CPAP Ventilator Mask

Sleep apnea is no laughing matter. It can kill. But this sleep apnea relieving hardware gave us a good laugh. What you see here is not a real-life Alien facehugger attack. It is a custom CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) ventilator mask by sleep apnea patient/tinker gnome Jared Gray. Gray figured, if he is going to put himself through a CPAP “torture machine,” he might as well make it fun and by Gray’s definition, ‘fun’ is having the notorious facehugger hugging his face.

Alien Facehugger CPAP Ventilator Mask
Don’t be alarm. Jared is perfectly fine… until the alien burst out of his chest… just kidding. That won’t happen.

As odd as it may sound, having a CPAP ventilator mask has been on Gray’s mind the whole time. So, when he found out he needed the aid of a CPAP, he went on and grab an Alien Facehugger life-size foam prop replica and proceed to put it under the knife to incorporate the CPAP ventilator mask into it. The result is, as you see, outrageously awesome. Several mods, or should say, dissecting has to be made in order to get that nasty Alien eggs layer to integrate with the mask. Though the build was walk in the park. That bastard creature was sure hell as stubborn as the movie’s.

Also, it only occur to me when posting this, that the creature’s “alien-to-human-face-rape interface” (in Gray’s own words. LoL!) actually looks like vagina. You know, with clitoris, labia and all. Seriously, did H.G. Giger actually imagine an alien creature to have a vagina-like egg-laying organ? Damn. That’s some mess up imagination there. Just saying… Anywho, hats off to Jared Gray for making a not so pleasant experience a little more pleasant, well, that’s until he try sleeping sideways. But seriously, we wish Gray get better soon! You can check out Gray’s build journal over at his website.

Alien Facehugger CPAP Ventilator Mask
Sorry. Female organ’s out. In its place is the CPAP mask.

Images: Jared Gray.

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Source: Technabob.