(credit: ThinkGeek) Cleanwater Baby Bathtub with Temp Reading | US$89.99 | www.thinkgeek.com
except for a few rare occasions, i usually don’t post about baby care products but this particular item, dubbed as Cleanwater Baby Bathtub with Temp Reading is looking pretty high-tech to warrant for a mention here. like the name suggest, it is a bathtub for your little ones that features a fresh water reservoir that holds the clean water, ready to replace the dirty water as it drains out. ensuring that your baby is squeaky clean. you know what they say, a clean baby, is a happy baby. actually, i made that up. anyway, the tub also sports a color-coded thermometer so you keep the temperature in check, ensuring that you will have the right temperature for your baby and plus, the tub is perfectly sized to fit most single or double basin sinks – another critical feature that will spare you from the back-breaking routine of washing up your baby. it even comes packaged with a rinse cup and an adult faucet gauge – all these for $89.99. i’d say it is an expensive gadget, if not for the fact that it is for the good of the baby.
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Cleanwater Baby Bathtub with Temp Reading via Random Good Stuff