(credit: 460studios / Samuel Seide)
this is one Skeeball Machine that you can take home without occupying a huge chunk of your space. designed and hand built by one Samuel Seide and constructed from MDF board, steel, PVC, plexiglass, along with a whole lot of custom electronic works (including an Arduino), this tiny Skeeball Machine is a shrunken version of the Skeeball Machine you see in any arcade and plays like one too. it even have an electronic score board as well as ticket dispenser. check out the intro video of the tiny Skeeball Machine after the break.
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Sam spent more than 70 hours into creating this awesome one-off arcade replica and he has put the tiny Skeeball Machine up for auction on eBay. if you want to get your hands on this awesome machine, you better hurry as it has only a couple of days left before the auction closes.