for the fashion conscious folks, putting on a belt is not just a because-you-need-to affair. it is a statement to say who you are and if you...

Bill Amberg Airplane Belt 544x388px
(credit: Bill Amberg) Bill Amberg Airplane Belt | from £125.00 |

for the fashion conscious folks, putting on a belt is not just a because-you-need-to affair. it is a statement to say who you are and if you belong to the aforementioned fashion aficionados, this Airplane Belt from Bill Amberg might just the thing you want on your waist, either that or you are a huge fan of flying. i know am not but this is a belt that will get you the attention your deserve. design like the actual airplane seat belts, this novel belt even hooks up like the real thing or so should i say, fasten like the real thing. i am not going to lie to you, they are not cheap as far as belts are concerned. the Bill Amberg Airplane Belt prices start from £125 (about US$203) and comes in either brass or nickel buckle, and has a choice of leather belt colors to choose from.
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via Acquire