Custom Functional LEGO Prosthetic Arm by David Aguilar

This is David Aguilar. David is a regular 18-year-old form Andorra who is NOT a LEGO certified professional and more importantly, unlike most people, he was born with just one fully-formed, functional arm. Missing a fully-formed arm and his passion for LEGO drove David to dream about having LEGO as part of his body. He eventually did, at the age of nine, when he built a prosthetic arm out LEGO pieces. But, as you would have imagined, that didn’t last.

Fast forward nine years later and many other custom LEGO built and electronic dance music in between, he did it again and this time, his prosthetic arm, the Mk2, is more capable and stronger, thanks to LEGO Technics elements. With Mk2, David can pick up objects with a pincer-like grip and command it to bend like regular arm and he even has the option to let the motor do the bending or he can choose to do so by his own upper arm’s power. Now, that’s seriously cool.

While it is true that LEGO elements, however you glue them together, will not have the durability over actually prosthetic, David’s achievement is nothing short of an inspiration to many. It is yet another prove that we, humans, are driven by passion and in David’s instance, his passion for LEGO and the desire to have LEGO as part of him (like literally) drove him to succeed in creating what he had dreamed of as a kid and in the process, making himself the coolest kid in town. Skip ahead for his amazing story brought to you by Great Big Story.

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Image: YouTube.

YouTube via Gigazine.