These helmets are real heads, but don’t be alarm just yet, cos’ they are not real product. Rather, they are products of the very talented, Dubai-based designer Jyo John Mulloor’s imagination. The helmets, as you can see, are essentially exposed human head and they collectively, belongs to an art form known as trompe-l’œil or “deceive the eye”, where artists often use realistic imagery to create an optical illusion that the depicted objects (in this case, the helmets) exist in three dimensions. The helmets are images of real people’s heads, seamlessly integrated into the various type of protective head gear, including bicycle helmet, vintage motorcycle helmet complete with goggles, and a modern iteration of the helmet that has full ears and ear rings.
They are arts that your grandpa probably can’t accept and while ‘nice’, we can help but to feel the creep. That said, we are recognize them as art, but also oddities too. Design Boom said they are not yet physical products (thanks goodness, they aren’t), but is a look at “the possibilities of extreme personalization.” Ok, wait. We are going let out a loud ‘yikes’ now. Keep going for a few more looks if you like. No obligation, cos’ we understand they are not for everyone. To be honest, we do feel the creep, yet we can help but to admire them too. Well, that’s just us.
via Design Boom